
Blog Post #9

      Distance learning has been very helpful and necessary because of COVID and I am very thankful that we have still been able to have school and learn thanks to technology. However, I definitely prefer in-person learning. It is so much easier to communicate with my professors and classmates in person and group projects have been a lot more difficult and honestly not as fun online. It is also harder to stay motivated to go to class and do all of my work. Now there are some aspects of distance/online learning that I have enjoyed. I believe that some assignments are easier online and some classes make sense to do from a distance. Although I have been staring at my screen a lot more, I do have the comfort of my apartment lol. When I become a teacher I pray that COVID is no longer existent and classes are in person, but I would like to incorporate some distance/online learning in my in-person classes. There are several online academic games and other resources that I would love for my st

Blog Post #8

      Before the Web Design Assignment, I had never created my own website. I really enjoyed this assignment because I learned how to create a place for students and/or parents to go and gather information about my class. I learned the technical skills of creating a website such as creating the layout, inserting links that open into news pages, and making inserting a Google calendar. The best part about this assignment is the fact that I will probably be doing something just like this when I become a teacher. I will need to get information out to my students and their parents, and because technology is becoming increasingly important in our society, I will most likely create a website resource. This is the website that I created for the Web Design Assignment:     Using Diigo, I learned how to bookmark different websites and annotate them. This can be a very useful resource especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of sources for something such

Blog Post #7

      The kindergarten teacher websites that I viewed had a picture of the teacher and a short bio including their contact information. On some, there was a general schedule of the day, a curriculum map, and some even had a field trip page. There was also a page for weekly newsletters, although I do not have access to them. But I did have access to the class resources which included a lot of educational games.     Growing up in the 21st century, I can see how technology can be useful in all settings, including the classroom. I believe that it can be used in all kinds of teaching. I want to teach elementary education, so I can see myself one-day using software for educational games such as Noggin or Starfall. I also liked the CPALMS videos for kindergarten. I want to use a mix of in-person and technology teaching in my class. However, I can also use technology for things other than the direct teaching of my students. I will probably have a teacher websi

Blog Post #6

      I can see how Diigo can be a very useful source, especially when collaborating with other teachers or students because you can share your different sources. I like how you can bookmark and annotate on the source. This past week has been my first time using Diigo, so I had to get used to it first. I like how I can see what others have posted in the group and how you can join different groups. I can definitely see myself using this resource in the future.      I had never blogged or read a blog until this class, but I can now say that I really like it. Blogging each week is fun! and I learn so much by reading my classmate's blogs. It is an easy way to post things with no limit on how many characters you can use, and I also really enjoy how casual it is. It's cool how my Twitter is now set up to it. I really want to use blogs in my future class!      When teaching I will definitely use the Web 2.0 source, Youtube. I have used Youtube all throughout my educational career whet

Blog Post #5

      This is my first time really using Twitter, so I am still quite new to it. I have followed a lot of the FSU pages so I see a lot of information about the university. I also follow some students in the class so I have seen some of their posts or things they retweet or like. I have not gotten very comfortable with Twitter yet, but I can see how it is a good tool to communicate and find things that relate to teaching. Twitter chats can be helpful in my future career because you can follow up and see what is new and other view peoples' ideas.     The Digital Divide occurs because of some people having a lot more access to technology than others. This affects students in schools because technology has become an important part of teaching. If some students have access to computers and the latest software, then they can become confident in their abilities using technology, do assignments online, access endless amounts of information, etc. However, if a student doesn't have acces

Blog Post #4

     I selected Kindergarten from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA. There is only one standard and it is LAFS.K.W.2.6 which is to help the students learn about different digital tools to write and use with others. The technology used in Kindergarten is not very complicated to me, for I have used a lot harder software. In the Kindergarten classroom, there is technology such as smartboards, painting programs, and online storyboards. I feel very confident in my ability to implement this standard and technology with my current skill set.      I also selected Kindergarten for CPALMS. I looked into the Science area and found a lot of different resources and tools that can be used to help kids learn; the main ones were many videos that seemed fun and interesting. I watched one about gravity and one about the moon. If I were teaching children in Kindergarten I believe that I could use some of these videos, however, I wouldn't use them all the time. I want my class to be as int

Blog Post #3

      Copyright is a legal right that people have over their own creative works. Now it doesn't lock everything on the internet down, but it does give credit where credit is owed. When we use things that have copyright we need to check who owns the work, get permission to use it, give credit to its maker, maybe buy it if needed, and then we can use it. Fair use is when we use portions of people's creations without permission or paying a fee. This is used for things such as school, news, critics, etc. When using fair use you can only use a small part of the work, you have to add your own meaning to make it original, you need to use it in a different way, and you can't make money off of it. As a teacher, you definitely need to inform your students about these concepts. It is always a good idea to use your own material and to have your students create their own works, however, there will come a time when it is helpful to use other people's already created works. When this