Blog Post #5

     This is my first time really using Twitter, so I am still quite new to it. I have followed a lot of the FSU pages so I see a lot of information about the university. I also follow some students in the class so I have seen some of their posts or things they retweet or like. I have not gotten very comfortable with Twitter yet, but I can see how it is a good tool to communicate and find things that relate to teaching. Twitter chats can be helpful in my future career because you can follow up and see what is new and other view peoples' ideas.

    The Digital Divide occurs because of some people having a lot more access to technology than others. This affects students in schools because technology has become an important part of teaching. If some students have access to computers and the latest software, then they can become confident in their abilities using technology, do assignments online, access endless amounts of information, etc. However, if a student doesn't have access to technology at home then they can not do online assignments and have to use public computers. This divide has become a very relevant problem with COVID. I am very fortunate to have a smartphone and a laptop because that is how I do ALL of my classes and schoolwork, but not everyone has their own technology or maybe any technology at all. My Spanish professor was telling me about a family he knows in Colombia that has one computer in their living room. Both parents work from home now, and all three of the children do online classes, so all five of them need this one computer. It's hard when meetings and classes collide or if everyone has homework. Teachers need to be understanding of this Digital Divide and work around what their students have access to. 

    In secondary school, I was always SO excited when I heard the Kahoot music start to play in class. Kahoot is a fun way to get students involved in learning and reviewing, so I will definitely use this software in my future classes. In high school, we used Khan Academy a lot to review or further discuss a topic that we had learned. Although it wasn't the most fun software, it helped me learn so much information and allowed me to pass all my STEM classes. However, I want to teach elementary education, and I do believe Khan Academy would work out very well with such young students. I did enjoy the CPALMS software that we looked at in this course. I do not have too much experience with it, but I could see myself further exploring it and possibly using it in my future classes. 


  1. Hey Caitlyn! I love Kahoot!. That theme song or whatever is a headturner. I loved seeing the tensions rise and the competitiveness come out, the works 'cause it is so funny. I don't like twitter either, I use it to enter giveaways that I never win and I used to be afraid of the disappointment I may feel if I tweeted a lot and no one retweets or likes but I'm over that thank god. I just don't use twitter; maybe it's because I too am not comfortable with it.


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