Blog Post #8

     Before the Web Design Assignment, I had never created my own website. I really enjoyed this assignment because I learned how to create a place for students and/or parents to go and gather information about my class. I learned the technical skills of creating a website such as creating the layout, inserting links that open into news pages, and making inserting a Google calendar. The best part about this assignment is the fact that I will probably be doing something just like this when I become a teacher. I will need to get information out to my students and their parents, and because technology is becoming increasingly important in our society, I will most likely create a website resource. This is the website that I created for the Web Design Assignment:

    Using Diigo, I learned how to bookmark different websites and annotate them. This can be a very useful resource especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of sources for something such as a big project or assignment. It can also be used with groups so that students can collaborate and view each other's websites. Online annotating is very beneficial because it helps to take notes and highlight when you read and do research and having it on the website is just very convenient. I don't know if I would use this in a Kindergarten classroom, but I can definitely use it myself, as a teacher, to organize my own findings. 

    Teachers do have a lot of responsibility when it comes to advancing technology in their classrooms. Although I believe that school districts and principles should help, a teacher has the most influence in the way they teach and what they use to do it. Technology plays such a huge role in our everyday lives and in education. A teacher needs to know to stay updated on these technologies and they also must understand what would work in their specific class, with their grade, and students and funding and everything else. It is a lot of responsibility; however, the use of technology in classrooms is such a wonderful opportunity that teachers should try their best to take advantage of it. Twitter is a wonderful way to stay updated on things and in this situation the #edtechchat is a great resource. I have participated in this Twitter chat before and I learned quite a bit. This is the link:


  1. Hello Caitlyn! I loved how you kept with a superhero theme for the images you used. The site overall is very organized and the layout is perfect for Kindergarteners and their parents to navigate. The contrasting colors of black and white make it easy to see all the text as well.


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