Blog Post #7

     The kindergarten teacher websites that I viewed had a picture of the teacher and a short bio including their contact information. On some, there was a general schedule of the day, a curriculum map, and some even had a field trip page. There was also a page for weekly newsletters, although I do not have access to them. But I did have access to the class resources which included a lot of educational games. 

    Growing up in the 21st century, I can see how technology can be useful in all settings, including the classroom. I believe that it can be used in all kinds of teaching. I want to teach elementary education, so I can see myself one-day using software for educational games such as Noggin or Starfall. I also liked the CPALMS videos for kindergarten. I want to use a mix of in-person and technology teaching in my class. However, I can also use technology for things other than the direct teaching of my students. I will probably have a teacher website for my students' parents to have access to my contact information, homework info, announcements, and more. I will also use some sort of online calendar such as google calendar to try and keep myself as organized as possible. Also, I just started using it this year, but I really like Twitter and I can see how it can be a good resource to collaborate with other teachers. 

    The wiki platform, PB Works, was not my favorite software. It seemed very out of date and I did not like how we couldn't make our wiki page more tasteful with designs. I like the idea of a wiki and I used it in high school for some assignments, however, I do not think I would use this in elementary school. It did allow a lot of room for collaboration with your peers, but that's a little offsetting when not everyone works on it or works equal amounts. 


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