Blog Post #4

    I selected Kindergarten from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA. There is only one standard and it is LAFS.K.W.2.6 which is to help the students learn about different digital tools to write and use with others. The technology used in Kindergarten is not very complicated to me, for I have used a lot harder software. In the Kindergarten classroom, there is technology such as smartboards, painting programs, and online storyboards. I feel very confident in my ability to implement this standard and technology with my current skill set. 

    I also selected Kindergarten for CPALMS. I looked into the Science area and found a lot of different resources and tools that can be used to help kids learn; the main ones were many videos that seemed fun and interesting. I watched one about gravity and one about the moon. If I were teaching children in Kindergarten I believe that I could use some of these videos, however, I wouldn't use them all the time. I want my class to be as interactive as possible and sometimes it is hard to do that with videos, and I know that it's hard for some children to stay focused if all we do is watch videos. With this in mind, I would like to use these videos a little bit, to help explain subjects further and to have a good visual, but I would also use many other resources and teaching methods to keep my students engaged. 

    I believe that is important for teachers to be good internet searchers in this day in age because technology plays such a huge role in the world. Teachers need to be able to find resources online that can help further their education and/or their students. So many things such as articles, online teaching games, other teaching programs, and many other references are available online, but they are useless if teachers don't have the ability to find them. I have always used Google, but this week I learned about the advanced google search from Lauren. I have never used it, but now I know about it and can use it when I am looking for something specific. No matter how much you think you know about technology, there will always be more to learn because it is constantly evolving!!


  1. Hi, I am in EME 2040 as well and I really like this post. It is very informational and it is clear what you are explaining. I am going to school for elementary education and want to focus on the younger years so reading about kindergarten based standards was also very helpful and important to me. I also like the ideas you posed for why it is so important that teachers are good internet searchers because it would be such a benefit to the teacher and students. Have a nice day!


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