
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blog Post #8

      Before the Web Design Assignment, I had never created my own website. I really enjoyed this assignment because I learned how to create a place for students and/or parents to go and gather information about my class. I learned the technical skills of creating a website such as creating the layout, inserting links that open into news pages, and making inserting a Google calendar. The best part about this assignment is the fact that I will probably be doing something just like this when I become a teacher. I will need to get information out to my students and their parents, and because technology is becoming increasingly important in our society, I will most likely create a website resource. This is the website that I created for the Web Design Assignment:     Using Diigo, I learned how to bookmark different websites and annotate them. This can be a very useful resource especially if you are trying to keep up with a lot of sources for something such

Blog Post #7

      The kindergarten teacher websites that I viewed had a picture of the teacher and a short bio including their contact information. On some, there was a general schedule of the day, a curriculum map, and some even had a field trip page. There was also a page for weekly newsletters, although I do not have access to them. But I did have access to the class resources which included a lot of educational games.     Growing up in the 21st century, I can see how technology can be useful in all settings, including the classroom. I believe that it can be used in all kinds of teaching. I want to teach elementary education, so I can see myself one-day using software for educational games such as Noggin or Starfall. I also liked the CPALMS videos for kindergarten. I want to use a mix of in-person and technology teaching in my class. However, I can also use technology for things other than the direct teaching of my students. I will probably have a teacher websi

Blog Post #6

      I can see how Diigo can be a very useful source, especially when collaborating with other teachers or students because you can share your different sources. I like how you can bookmark and annotate on the source. This past week has been my first time using Diigo, so I had to get used to it first. I like how I can see what others have posted in the group and how you can join different groups. I can definitely see myself using this resource in the future.      I had never blogged or read a blog until this class, but I can now say that I really like it. Blogging each week is fun! and I learn so much by reading my classmate's blogs. It is an easy way to post things with no limit on how many characters you can use, and I also really enjoy how casual it is. It's cool how my Twitter is now set up to it. I really want to use blogs in my future class!      When teaching I will definitely use the Web 2.0 source, Youtube. I have used Youtube all throughout my educational career whet