
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog Post #5

      This is my first time really using Twitter, so I am still quite new to it. I have followed a lot of the FSU pages so I see a lot of information about the university. I also follow some students in the class so I have seen some of their posts or things they retweet or like. I have not gotten very comfortable with Twitter yet, but I can see how it is a good tool to communicate and find things that relate to teaching. Twitter chats can be helpful in my future career because you can follow up and see what is new and other view peoples' ideas.     The Digital Divide occurs because of some people having a lot more access to technology than others. This affects students in schools because technology has become an important part of teaching. If some students have access to computers and the latest software, then they can become confident in their abilities using technology, do assignments online, access endless amounts of information, etc. However, if a student doesn't have acces

Blog Post #4

     I selected Kindergarten from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA. There is only one standard and it is LAFS.K.W.2.6 which is to help the students learn about different digital tools to write and use with others. The technology used in Kindergarten is not very complicated to me, for I have used a lot harder software. In the Kindergarten classroom, there is technology such as smartboards, painting programs, and online storyboards. I feel very confident in my ability to implement this standard and technology with my current skill set.      I also selected Kindergarten for CPALMS. I looked into the Science area and found a lot of different resources and tools that can be used to help kids learn; the main ones were many videos that seemed fun and interesting. I watched one about gravity and one about the moon. If I were teaching children in Kindergarten I believe that I could use some of these videos, however, I wouldn't use them all the time. I want my class to be as int

Blog Post #3

      Copyright is a legal right that people have over their own creative works. Now it doesn't lock everything on the internet down, but it does give credit where credit is owed. When we use things that have copyright we need to check who owns the work, get permission to use it, give credit to its maker, maybe buy it if needed, and then we can use it. Fair use is when we use portions of people's creations without permission or paying a fee. This is used for things such as school, news, critics, etc. When using fair use you can only use a small part of the work, you have to add your own meaning to make it original, you need to use it in a different way, and you can't make money off of it. As a teacher, you definitely need to inform your students about these concepts. It is always a good idea to use your own material and to have your students create their own works, however, there will come a time when it is helpful to use other people's already created works. When this

Blog Post #2

     In middle school and junior high I used MS Word every know and then. However, in high school we had Chrome books, so we used Google Docs instead of MS Word. I prefer to use Google Docs because it is the word processing software that I am use to. I can access it on any device anywhere and it's very easy to share and communicate with. You also don't have to download Google Docs onto your computer.      There are 7 ISTE Standards for Educators. They include learner, leader, citizen, collaborator, designer, facilitator and analyst. The standard that seems like the most important to me is collaborator, because it allows teachers to use their resources to "collaborate" or join together. This allows them to learn so much from other educators or even co-learn with students. With the collaborator aspect there are even "collaborative tools" that help students learn in a real-world learning style, and allows them to be mindful of all different kinds of experiences

Blog post #1

       Hi! My name is Caitlyn Slaton and I am a sophomore studying Elementary Education and Spanish. I am from Northwest Arkansas, but I came to FSU for the First Year Abroad Program, and I studied in Panama City, Panama last year. My dream career is to teach English to children somewhere in Latin America. A couple of fun facts about me include that I have a twin brother named Cameron! and I am a big-time dog mom to a cute cocker spaniel poodle named Sadie. She is in Tally with me:) sadly Cameron is not:(      I have a little bit of experience using technology in an educational setting.  In my own education, I have always used computers for different assignments and in high school, we were all given our own chrome books because so many assignments were online. More recently I have been using Canvas and Zoom for my online courses starting in the middle of last Spring. I am grateful for being a part of this generation that has all of this technology to help further education. Not that I