Blog post #1

     Hi! My name is Caitlyn Slaton and I am a sophomore studying Elementary Education and Spanish. I am from Northwest Arkansas, but I came to FSU for the First Year Abroad Program, and I studied in Panama City, Panama last year. My dream career is to teach English to children somewhere in Latin America. A couple of fun facts about me include that I have a twin brother named Cameron! and I am a big-time dog mom to a cute cocker spaniel poodle named Sadie. She is in Tally with me:) sadly Cameron is not:( 

    I have a little bit of experience using technology in an educational setting.  In my own education, I have always used computers for different assignments and in high school, we were all given our own chrome books because so many assignments were online. More recently I have been using Canvas and Zoom for my online courses starting in the middle of last Spring. I am grateful for being a part of this generation that has all of this technology to help further education. Not that I am grateful for COVID in any way, but we are very fortunate that this pandemic happened in this day in age because our world didn't completely stop with all the technology that we have.

For my own personal learning network, I used Instagram to stay in touch and up to date with what was happening in the after school program that I volunteered at. I still continue to use Instagram in every aspect of my life, educationally, and socially. I used Pinterest also to look up different crafts/activities that I could do with my kindergartners and 1st graders. I have stayed in touch with a handful of my previous teachers/professors and I can turn to them with any questions I may have. I am still uncovering different aspects of my PLN because I have just learned about it, but I fully plan on expanding it. 

Have a wonderful day!<3

"Photo of Child Sitting by the Table While Looking at the Imac" by Julia M Cameron no Creative Commons License 


  1. You make an interesting point about technology and the pandemic. How would your life and school be different if you didn't have technology access right now?

  2. I don't even know if we would have class right now if we didn't have technology access. Maybe we would have in class courses at the beginning with precautions such as social distancing, wearing masks, limiting the amount of students in each classroom. However, if COVID cases got too high then we might just be sent home and not have class. I remember in elementary school one year we had a bad ice storm so we were out of school for 2 weeks, and because not all of the students had computers we couldn't do online class or assignments so we just didn't do anything. We ended up having to go 2 weeks into our summer:/


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