
Showing posts from November, 2020

Blog Post #9

      Distance learning has been very helpful and necessary because of COVID and I am very thankful that we have still been able to have school and learn thanks to technology. However, I definitely prefer in-person learning. It is so much easier to communicate with my professors and classmates in person and group projects have been a lot more difficult and honestly not as fun online. It is also harder to stay motivated to go to class and do all of my work. Now there are some aspects of distance/online learning that I have enjoyed. I believe that some assignments are easier online and some classes make sense to do from a distance. Although I have been staring at my screen a lot more, I do have the comfort of my apartment lol. When I become a teacher I pray that COVID is no longer existent and classes are in person, but I would like to incorporate some distance/online learning in my in-person classes. There are several online academic games and other resources that I would love for my st